Equipment and supplies

NHSE have confirmed that they can no longer fund the purchase of barcodes. We have a stock of prepaid barcodes still available to us. To request these, please follow the instructions below. Once those stocks have been depleted, we will update this page with the new process to follow. Please note thereafter local Trusts will need to contact the supplier and pay associated invoices locally, so please ensure you have factored in sufficient time for this process.

The  library team at Oxford Health store and distribute SWIMS library cards, user barcodes (for sticking onto ID badges), and book barcodes.  If you wish to obtain a supply of any of these, please contact [email protected] stating how many you require (preferably in multiples of a box/sheet as below), and a full postal address to which they should be sent. If you are ordering barcodes, please say whether you require user barcodes or book barcodes. 

For users, you are welcome to use either library cards or user barcodes or a mixture in your library.

  • SWIMS library cards come in boxes of 250
  • SWIMS barcodes come as sheets of 60 to a page


Printing your own barcodes

This is permitted provided that your barcode numbers don’t duplicate any others on the system or which have been purchased or produced at other locations.  D01 is currently printing their own barcodes – please contact D01 for instructions on their procedure.

Ordering Scanners

Scanners can be ordered from ERS Ltd, 11 & 13 Railton Road, Wolseley Business Park, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK42 7PW. Tel:01234 855300.

How to plug in a barcode scanner


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