Last updated: 11 November 2024
All libraries are supplying as normal unless listed below.
For SWIMS Network libraries, please email [email protected] if your status changes, and this list will be updated as soon as possible.
AYL | Has left the SWIMS Network – please do not apply. |
BBH | BBH library now closed. All stock has been transferred to CLN. |
EJC | Visited once per fortnight for printed stock; normal service for ejournals. |
H07, H11, H16 | H07 – visited once per week for printed stock; normal service for journals (no print journals). H11 – library is now permanently closed. All stock has been distributed to H04 or H05. H16 – visited two or three times per week for printed stock; normal service for ejournals (no print journals). |
HGM | HGM are not staffed for the moment and we are not able to make scans for document supply. For book stock see This library is permanent last resort. |
LIT | We can supply books and articles from stock but there may be a longer turnaround than usual. |
NBS | 48-hour turnaround. |
NOC | NOC are not staffed for the moment and we are not able to make scans for document supply. For book stock see This library is permanent last resort. |
OXU:JR | OXU:JR are not staffed for the moment and we are not able to make scans for document supply. This library is permanent last resort. |
OXU:KC | OXU:KC are not staffed for the moment and we are not able to make scans for document supply. This library is permanent last resort. |
PLY | Unable to supply print books published in the current year. |
RDI | Library is now closed permanently – please do not apply. |
SLH | Staffed Tuesdays only; please treat as last resort. |
STR | Visited once per fortnight for printed stock; normal service for ejournals. |
SWASFT | Last resort until further notice. For South Western Ambulance Service Foundation Trust, please apply to PLY Plymouth (Discovery Library). Please state it is a SWASFT request when applying. |